S.D.M. Jainmatt Trust (R)

A.G.M. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital

Shri Navagrha Teerth Kshetra, N.H-4 Road, VARUR.581207.
Tq : Hubballi Dist. Dharwad, Karnataka

S.D.M. Jainmatt Trust (R)

A.G.M Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital

Shri Navagrha Teerth Kshetra, N.H-4 Road, VARUR-CHABBI.581207.
Tq : Hubballi Dist. Dharwad, Karnataka

Course Name Description
Anatomy 1 Identify, recognize, locate, and describe normal morphological structures of human body with its topography.
2 Identify and correlate anatomical basics of clinical, applied and Radiological Anatomy according to regional distribution.
3 Establish correlation in the knowledge of regional Anatomy with general Anatomy, embryology and Histology.
4 To integrate the knowledge of Anatomy with Physiology.
Physiology Including Biochemistry 1 Describe the fundamental Homoeostatic mechanisms underlying normal function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems in humans.
2 Describe Physiological aspects of normal growth and development and Physiological response and adaptations to environmental stresses.
3 Molecular and functional organisation of a cell and molecular concepts of body defence
4 To integrate the knowledge of physiology & biochemistry with anatomy.
5 Application of homoeopathic knowledge in the Physiology & Biochemistry in co-ordination to basic subjects of Homoeopathic Medicine.
Homoeopathic Pharmacy 1 Understand the basic principles of Homoeopathic Pharmacy and student will be able to describe the evolution of Homoeopathic Pharmacy and its future plans.
2 Understand the scientifical and logical basis of principles and practice of dynamization. Understand the technique of drug proving.
3 Student will understand the methods of quality testing, storing and dispensing of Homoeopathic medicines.
4 Demonstrate knowledge about the laws related to pharmaceutical industry and Homoeopathy in particular.
Organon of Medicine 1 To Focus on Logic and Understanding that Homoeopathy is the high water mark of the inductive Philosophy. To apply Inductive and deductive logic to the understanding of the Fundamentals of Homoeopathy.
2 To Lay emphasis on the mind study and thereby the behaviour of the person to focus on Individualisation and thereby the conceptual base .
3 The teaching of Homoeopathy to be based on complete system of the Medicine with the logical rationality of its Holistic , Individualistic and dynamistic approach to life, health , Disease remedy and cure.
4 To upgrade students in the Homoeopathic prophylaxis, to help them to contribute in the Epidemics and pandemic diseases and thereby prevent the sufferings in the disaster.
Materia Medica 1st Year 1 Define the terms ‘Materia Medica’ & ‘Homoeopathic Materia Medica’
2 Enumerate the sources of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
3 Describe the basic concept for construction of various Materia Medica
4 Explain the construction of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
5 List the types of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
6 Classify Homoeopathic Materia Medica
7 Discuss the scope & limitations of Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
Materia Medica 2nd Year 1 Describe the Science & Philosophy of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
2 List different ways of studying Homoeopathic Materia Medica
3 List the scope & limitations of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
4 Recall the remedy relationship of various drugs
5 Compare & contrast the drugs listed below
6 Describe the theory, history, concept & principles of Biochemic System of Medicine
7 Recall the drug pictures of the medicines listed in Appendix – I
Pathology & Microbiology 1 Describe the structure and ultra structure of a diseased cell, mechanisms of cell degeneration, cell death and repair.
2 Explain the Pathophysiological process that governs the maintenane of Homoeostasis, mechanisms of their disturbance and the morphological and clinical manifestations associated with it.
3 Describe the mechanism and patterns of tissue response to injury such that he/she can appreaciate the Pathophysiology of disease processes and their clinical manifestations in relation to Homoeopathic concept of miasms and morbidity.
4 State the micro -organisms of human body and describe the host-parasite relationship.
5 State or indicate the modes of transmission of Pathogenic and opportunistic organisms and their sources including insect vectors.
6 Apply methods of disinfection and sterilization to control and prevent hospital and community acquired infections. Advice laboratory investigations and interpret the same for curative and prophylactic purposes.
Forencic Medicine & Toxicology 1 Identify, examine and prepare report or certificate in medico-legal cases/situations in accordance with the law
2 Demonstrate awareness of inquest, legal and court procedures applicable to medico-legal and medical practice
3 Understand the medico-legal post-mortem examination and interpret autopsy findings and results of other relevant investigations to logically conclude the cause, manner and time since death
4 Be conversant with medical ethics, etiquette, duties, rights, medical negligence and legal responsibilities of the physicians towards patients, profession, society, state and humanity at large
5 Be aware of relevant legal/court procedures applicable to the medico legal/medical practice
6 Preserve and dispatch specimens in medico-legal/post-mortem cases and other concerned materials to the appropriate Government agencies for necessary examination
7 Manage medico-legal implications, diagnosis and principles of therapy of common poisons
8 Be aware of general principles of environmental, occupational and preventive aspects of toxicology
9 Demonstrate basic knowledge of relevant sections of penal code.
10 Describe the medico legal framework in our country so as to relate the duties and responsibilities of homoeopathic practitioner in this context
Gynaecology & Obstetrics 1 Connect the knowledge of anatomy and physiology in relation to the female reproductive system.
2 Relate the pathology with the disorders of the genitourinary system in females.
3 Understand the difference between physiological and pathological changes during puberty, menopause, pregnancy, labour and puerperium.
4 Implement the knowledge of Materia Medica in the application of therapeutics for the topics covered so far.
Surgery, ENT, Opthalmology, Dentistry & Homoeopathic Therapeutics 1 Describe the principles of diagnosis and management of General surgical, Systemic surgical, and Orthopaedic conditions in adults and children.
2 Diagnose and manage common disease conditions of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, and Dentristry.
3 Perform relevant surgical examinations clinical test, and diagnose various radiological changes in common surgical diseases.
4 Perform common surgical procedures at the primary care level
5 Explain the role of homoeopathy in the management of common surgical, non-surgical conditions and palliative therapy in incurable conditions.