The department was established in the year 2019 since the inception of the college. The department creates awareness in the students regarding speciality and originality of Homoeopathic Pharmacy. The department imparts knowledge on pharmacognosy, pharmacological aspect of the Homoeopathic medicines and on prescription writing, dispensing of medicines & drug proving. The department also maintains Herbal Garden with variety of medicinal plant species.
To be a leading department in the study of Homoeopathic Pharmacy. Our goal is to contribute to advancements in healthcare and scientific knowledge, ultimately improving the well-being of individuals and communities.
The department impart to the students the knowledge of the pharmacological and pharmacognostic aspects of Homoeopathic drugs. The students are educated on drug proving, prescription writing, dispensing of medicine and legislations pertaining to manufacture and sale of Homoeopathic medicines.
Teaching faculty photo

Dr. Ashok Shankar Borgalli

Dr. Radhika Shiraganvi
Asso. Professor

DR.Akshata Halladamal
Asst. Professor,